We elevate our integrators' experience by offering services that go beyond conventional transactions. Next, we present the integration endpoints for external payments to companies, made from your account with us.

  1. As a Merchant, first, you need to authenticate with your specific Api Keys.
    • If you are not aware of the process, please refer to the first part of our Integration Flow Guide as well as the Athentication Endpoint.
    • We strongly recommend you create new API Keys, exclusive for this purpose.
  2. Request the list of registered Receivers. In our platform, the Receiver is a company registered by the merchant exclusivelly to receive payments. This request is important to get the Receiver Id, to be used in the payment request.
    • Note: Receivers are registered manually via Admin Portal. We intend to publish receivers registration endpoints soon.
    • Be aware that the desired receiver must be approved by our team.
  3. Based on the Receiver Id, request the list of registered bank accounts for that receiver.
    • Note: Receivers' Bank Accounts are registered manually via Admin Portal, and are part of the necessary for review approval. We intend to publish bank accounts endpoints soon.
  4. Request a payment for a specific bank account of a registered and approved receiver, you will need to provide both the receiver id and the account id.
  5. To upload the payment invoice, you need to ask for a secure upload URL. For such, you will use the recently created payment request id. Upload the invoice via code using the returned upload URL.

Next, we present the set of endpoints to allow you executing these operations via API.

Listing the Receivers

Reference Endpoint

  • GET /partners-int/receivers

This endpoint allows you to list a paginated set of receivers based on the approval status.

  • The Request Params (Useful Example)
Path ParamTypeRequiredDescription
dataset.limitnumbertrueThe pagination size as one of: 5, 10 or 20.
dataset.offsetnumbertrueThe pagination offset, starting from 0.
receiverStatusstringfalseThe approval status of the desired receivers, as one of: Pending, Approved, Denied
  • The Request Response (200 - OK)
    "statusCode": "Done",
    "data": {
        "limit": 20,
        "offset": 0,
        "total": 1,
        "items": [
                "id": "6f8a7e7e-b1b2-498f-82b8-9c999fe7451c",
                "creationDate": "2023-08-26T00:42:18.562Z",
                "receiverStatus": "Approved",
                "companyFantasyName": "Example Company Name",
                "companyCNPJ": "21998536000118",
                "reviewNote": null,
Field NameTypeDescription
limitnumberThe pagination size, as provided in the request.
offsetnumberThe pagination offset, as provided in the request
totalstringThe number of receivers found.
itemsarrayThe set of receivers found.
idstringThe receiver id.
creationDatestringThe receiver creation date.
receiverStatusstringThe receiver status, as one of: Pending, Approved or Rejected
companyFantasyNamestringThe company fantasy name. Fantasy names are commercial names company may chose in their social contract. Typically, this is how the company is popularly known.
companyCNPJstringThe Company CNPJ. In Brazil, CNPJ is a unique identification number assigned to legal entities, such as companies, organizations, and businesses.
reviewNotestringAny note a reviewer added when reviewing this receiver registration.

Retrieving a Specific Receiver

Reference Endpoint

  • GET /partners-int/receivers/{receiverId}

This endpoint allows you to get a specific receiver by providing the receiverId. For the example bellow, consider the receiver id 6f8a7e7e-b1b2-498f-82b8-9c999fe7451c.

  • The Request Params (Useful Example)
Path ParamTypeRequiredDescription
receiverIdstringtrueThe receiver id as returned when listing the receivers.
  • The Request Response (200 - OK)
    "statusCode": "Done",
    "data": {
        "limit": 50,
        "offset": 0,
        "total": 1,
        "items": [
                "id": "6f8a7e7e-b1b2-498f-82b8-9c999fe7451c",
                "creationDate": "2023-08-26T00:42:18.562Z",
                "receiverStatus": "Approved",
                "companyFantasyName": "Company XPTO",
                "companyCNPJ": "21998536000118",
                "reviewNote": null,
Field NameTypeDescription
limitnumberThe pagination size, in this case, 50 by default
offsetnumberThe pagination offset, in this case, 0 by default.
totalstringThe number of receivers found, in this case, 1 by default.
itemsarrayThe set of receivers found, in this case, containing a single.
idstringThe receiver id.
creationDatestringThe receiver creation date.
receiverStatusstringThe receiver status, as one of: Pending, Approved, Rejected.
companyFantasyNamestringThe company fantasy name. Fantasy names are commercial names company may chose in their social contract. Typically, this is how the company is popularly known.
companyCNPJstringThe Company CNPJ. In Brazil, CNPJ is a unique identification number assigned to legal entities, such as companies, organizations, and businesses.
reviewNotestringAny note a reviewer added when reviewing this receiver registration.

Retrieving the Receiver Accounts

Reference Endpoint

  • GET /partners-int/receivers/{receiverId}/accounts

This endpoint allows you to get a specific receiver bank account by providing the receiverId. For the example bellow, consider the receiver id 6f8a7e7e-b1b2-498f-82b8-9c999fe7451c.

  • The Request Params (Useful Example)
Path ParamTypeRequiredDescription
receiverIdstringtrueThe receiver id as returned when listing the receivers.
  • The Request Response (200 - OK)
    "statusCode": "Done",
    "data": [
            "id": "bd90f915-ce89-4cc8-9f20-5d622bdfd2b3",
            "bankCode": "001",
            "bankName": "Banco do Brasil S.A.",
            "accountAgency": "1591",
            "accountNumber": "103096",
            "accountOwnerDocNumber": "21998536000118",
            "pixKey": "21.998.536/0001-18",
            "pixKeyType": "CNPJ"
Field NameTypeDescription
dataarrayThe set of bank account found.
idstringThe bank account id.
bankCodestringThe bank code as registered in Brazilian Central Bank.
bankNamestringThe bank name.
accountAgencystringThe bank agency of this account.
accountNumberstringThe bank account number.
accountOwnerDocNumberstringThe owner's document number. In this case, the CNPJ number.
pixKeystringThe PIX Key, a CNPJ value.
pixKeyTypestringThe PIX key type, in this case CNPJ is mandatory.

Creating a Company Payment

Reference Endpoint

  • POST /partners-int/accounts/transaction-requests

This endpoint allows you to create a payment request to a specific receiver bank account by providing the refReceiver, the receiver id, and the refBankAccount, the bank account id.

For the example bellow, consider the receiver id 6f8a7e7e-b1b2-498f-82b8-9c999fe7451c, and the bank account id bd90f915-ce89-4cc8-9f20-5d622bdfd2b3.

  • The Request Params (Useful Example)
    "amount": "10000.00",
    "description": "Monthly services payment",
    "refReceiver": "6f8a7e7e-b1b2-498f-82b8-9c999fe7451c",
    "refBankAccount": "bd90f915-ce89-4cc8-9f20-5d622bdfd2b3"
Field NameTypeRequiredDescription
amountstringtrueThe value to be paid.
descriptionstringtrueThe payment description.
refReceiverstringtrueThe reference receiver id.
refBankAccountstringtrueThe reference bank account id.
  • The Request Response (201 - Created)
    "statusCode": "Done",
    "data": {
        "id": "b35967b8-1d11-4612-9394-7c076b49ea48",
        "amount": "10000.00",
        "status": "Pending",
        "pixKey": "21.998.536/0001-18",
        "pixKeyType": "CNPJ",
        "description": "Monthly services payment",
        "refReceiver": "6f8a7e7e-b1b2-498f-82b8-9c999fe7451c",
        "refBankAccount": "bd90f915-ce89-4cc8-9f20-5d622bdfd2b3",
        "refTransaction": "698050cb5a7c4f639385a831ed23c3db",
        "referencesInfo": {
            "receiverName": "Company XPTO",
            "customerName": "Merchant X"
Field NameTypeDescription
idstringThe recently created transaction request id.
amountstringThe payment value.
statusstringThe approval status as one of: Pending, Approved or Rejected.
pixKeystringThe PIX key, the CNPJ provided in the request
pixKeyTypestringThe PIX key type, in this case CNPJ.
descriptionstringThe description provided in the request.
refReceiverstringThe reference receiver provided in the request.
refBankAccountstringThe reference bank account provided in the request.
refTransactionstringThe banking transaction id, the one to be found in the Sales list.
referencesInfo.receiverNamestringThe company (receiver) fantasy name.
referencesInfo.customerNamestringThe merchant (requestor) name.

All Payment Requests created via API also follow the approval flow as if created via Admin Portal. Notice that it is possible to Cancel a Payment Request while it was not Approved and Executed.

When Approved, the Payment Request are associated to a transaction object with its own Transaction Lifecycle. State changes in the transaction lifecycle are promptly notified via webhooks notification.

Requesting a Document Upload URL

Reference Endpoint

  • POST /partners-int/documents

This endpoint allows you to get an upload URL where to you will upload the payment invoice.

  • The Request Payload (Useful Example)
    "properties": {
        "name" : "August Invoice"
    "ownerType" : "Transaction",
    "owner" : "f8c4f1c9-7366-4330-8f77-63b8a73884a8",
    "type": "Invoice",
    "fileName": "Invoice.pdf"
Field NameTypeRequiredDescription
properties.namestringtrueAny name the partner might want to be presented in the Admin Portal for the document
ownerTypestringtrueTransaction, as mandatory string.
ownerstringtrueThe transaction request id.
typestringtrueInvoice, as mandatory string.
fileNamestringtrueThe file name that will be uploaded.
  • The Request Response (201 - Created)
    "statusCode": "Done",
    "data": "https://pagfast-platform-dev-storage.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/Docs/Transaction/f8c4f1c9-7366-4330-8f77-63b8a73884a8/Invoice/0b2968ef-6104-4468-bb60-0fc91f5efd95?X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Content-Sha256=UNSIGNED-PAYLOAD&X-Amz-Credential=AKIAZVR4MXQ3UPZYCGVA%2F20230828%2Fus-east-1%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Date=20230828T024230Z&X-Amz-Expires=300&X-Amz-Signature=4e6fa8dbc1b70c1a2643a815a26a121d3ee2118df53b52052349f11ec452f31a&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&x-id=PutObject"
Path ParamTypeRequiredDescription
datastringtrueThe upload URL where you should upload the invoice to.

The endpoints that follow are not mandatory to complete a payment request, but might be useful for integrators.

Canceling a Company Payment Request

Reference Endpoint

  • PUT /partners-int/accounts/transaction-requests/cancel/{trId}

This endpoint allows you to cancel a specific transaction request based on the trId, the transaction request id.

  • The Request Params (Useful Example)
Path ParamTypeRequiredDescription
trIdstringtrueThe transaction request id as returned when creating a payment request.
  • The Request Response (200 - OK)
    "statusCode": "Done"

Listing Company Payments

Reference Endpoint

  • GET /partners-int/accounts/transaction-requests

This endpoint allows you to list a paginated set of payment requests.

  • The Request Params (Useful Example)
Path ParamTypeRequiredDescription
dataset.limitnumbertrueThe pagination size as one of: 5, 10 or 20.
dataset.offsetnumbertrueThe pagination offset, starting from 0.
statusstringtrueThe approval status of the desired transaction, as one of: Pending, Approved, Denied
startDatestringtrueThe start date where to search the transaction requests.
endDatestringtrueThe end date where to search the transaction requests.
  • The Request Response (200 - OK)
    "statusCode": "Done",
    "data": {
        "limit": 10,
        "offset": 0,
        "total": 1,
        "items": [
                "id": "f8c4f1c9-7366-4330-8f77-63b8a73884a8",
                "amount": "100000.00",
                "status": "Pending",
                "pixKey": "21.998.536/0001-18",
                "description": "Monthly services payment",
                "executionState": "Created",
                "executionCreatedDate": "2023-08-27T01:56:40.675Z",
                "executionRegisteredDate": null,
                "executionCompletedDate": null,
                "refTransaction": "a015caae-1926-4afe-8db8-8eda115de682",
                "refReceiver": "6f8a7e7e-b1b2-498f-82b8-9c999fe7451c",
                "refBankAccount": "bd90f915-ce89-4cc8-9f20-5d622bdfd2b3",
                "referencesInfo": {
                    "receiverName": "Solinov",
                    "customerName": "Startup J"
Field NameTypeDescription
limitnumberThe pagination size, as provided in the request.
offsetnumberThe pagination offset, as provided in the request
totalnumberThe number of requests found.
itemsarrayThe set of requests found
idstringThe transaction request id.
amountstringThe payment value.
statusstringThe approval status as one of: Pending, Approved or Rejected.
pixKeystringThe PIX key, the CNPJ provided in the request
pixKeyTypestringThe PIX key type, in this case CNPJ.
descriptionstringThe description provided in the request.
executionStatestringThe execution state of this transaction, after its approval.
executionCreatedDatestringThe timestamp when this request execution was initiated.
executionRegisteredDatestringThe timestamp when this request execution was registered with the Banking System. Null if not in Approved approval status.
executionCompletedDatestringThe timestamp when this request execution was finished with the Banking System. Null if still processing or not in Approved approval status
refReceiverstringThe reference receiver provided in the request.
refBankAccountstringThe reference bank account provided in the request.
refTransactionstringThe banking transaction id, the one to be found in the Sales list.
referencesInfo.receiverNamestringThe company (receiver) fantasy name.
referencesInfo.customerNamestringThe merchant (requestor) name.

Detailing a Company Payment

Reference Endpoint

  • GET /partners-int/accounts/transaction-requests/{tdId}

This endpoint allows you to detail a specific transaction request based on the trId, the transaction request id.

  • The Request Params (Useful Example)
Path ParamTypeRequiredDescription
trIdstringtrueThe transaction request id as returned when creating a payment request.
  • The Request Response (200 - OK)
    "statusCode": "Done",
    "data": {
        "entity": {
            "id": "f8c4f1c9-7366-4330-8f77-63b8a73884a8",
            "amount": "10.000000",
            "status": "Pending",
            "pixKey": "21.998.536/0001-18",
            "pixKeyType": "CNPJ",
            "description": "Monthly services payment",
            "refReceiver": "6f8a7e7e-b1b2-498f-82b8-9c999fe7451c",
            "refBankAccount": "bd90f915-ce89-4cc8-9f20-5d622bdfd2b3",
            "refTransaction": "a015caae-1926-4afe-8db8-8eda115de682",
            "referencesInfo": {
                "receiverName": "Solinov",
                "customerName": "Startup J"
            "executionCreatedDate": "2023-08-28T01:56:40.675Z",
            "executionCompletedDate": null,
            "executionRegisteredDate": null,
            "executionState": "Created"
        "flows": [
                "id": "31c1dfe1-30bf-4726-89d2-275244e2d2d3",
                "date": "2023-08-28T01:56:40.654Z",
                "userFullName": "Company Administrator",
                "userRealm": "Partner",
                "status": "Pending",
                "comment": null
Field NameTypeDescription
entitystringThe request entity object
entity.idstringThe payment request id.
entity.amountstringThe payment value.
entity.statusstringThe approval status as one of: Pending, Approved or Rejected.
entity.pixKeystringThe PIX key, the CNPJ provided in the request
entity.pixKeyTypestringThe PIX key type, in this case CNPJ.
entity.descriptionstringThe description provided in the request.
entity.refReceiverstringThe reference receiver provided in the request.
entity.refBankAccountstringThe reference bank account provided in the request.
entity.refTransactionstringThe banking transaction id, the one to be found in the Sales list.
entity.referencesInfo.receiverNamestringThe company (receiver) fantasy name.
entity.referencesInfo.customerNamestringThe merchant (requestor) name.
executionStatestringThe execution state of this transaction, after its approval.
executionCreatedDatestringThe timestamp when this request execution was initiated.
executionRegisteredDatestringThe timestamp when this request execution was registered with the Banking System. Null if not in Approved approval status.
executionCompletedDatestringThe timestamp when this request execution was finished with the Banking System. Null if still processing or not in Approved approval status
flowsstringThe approval flow objects, detailing the approval steps status.
flow.idstringThe flow step id.
flow.datestringWhen the step was started.
flow.userFullNamestringThe user who started the approval step.
flow.userRealmstringPartner, because the request starts from you, a business Partner
statusstringThe approval status of a flow step.
commentstringThe approval comment of a flow step.

Listing Documents

Reference Endpoint

  • GET /partners-int/documents

This endpoint allows you to list the documents for a given transaction request, informed as the owner.

  • The Request Payload (Useful Example)
Field NameTypeRequiredDescription
ownerTypestringtrueTransaction, as mandatory string.
typestringtrueInvoice, as mandatory string.
ownerstringtrueThe transaction request id
  • The Request Response (200 - OK)
    "statusCode": "Done",
    "data": {
        "limit": 50,
        "offset": 0,
        "total": 1,
        "items": [
                "id": "0b2968ef-6104-4468-bb60-0fc91f5efd95",
                "type": "Invoice",
                "state": "Pending",
                "properties": {
                    "name": "August Invoice",
                    "extension": "invoice"
                "owner": "f8c4f1c9-7366-4330-8f77-63b8a73884a8",
                "ownerType": "Transaction"

Deleting Company Payment Documents

Reference Endpoint

  • DELETE /partners-int/documents/{documentId}

This endpoint allows you to delete an uploaded document.

  • The Request Payload (Useful Example)
Field NameTypeRequiredDescription
documentIdstringtrueThe document id, as provided in the documents listing.
  • The Request Response (200 - OK)
    "statusCode": "Done"